Personal Resources | Solve Your Out-of-Control Eating
Personal Resources | Solve Your Out-of-Control-Eating

Solve Your Out-of-Control Eating offers Insights and Opportunities to Learn from the Real-Life Success Stories of Others

Learn how to interpret your eating behaviors and break free from the cycles that are keeping you stuck.
Your Eating Habits Are a Non-Verbal Communication
  • Read relatable stories with actual therapy patients—people like you who struggled with out-of-control eating.
  • Understand why diet plans and diet books haven't worked for you.
  • Interpret life history, habits, and pitfalls—including losses you've experienced—through a nurturing, user-friendly teaching model.
  • Rewrite your narrative around food to finally break free from the bondage of shame, loneliness, and irrational eating.
  • Get support from a community that sees, hears, and understands you.
Most self-help books focus on the "what" when it comes to eating — the right foods, the wrong foods, the amount of food, when to eat, and how to burn the most calories. It is time to stop looking in the mirror and start looking within for answers.
~ Victoria Todd and Michele Holzberger, Solve Your Out-of-Control Eating

What Readers Are Saying

Through the stories of others, you'll learn you're not alone and how to get on friendly terms with eating.

"Finally! An easy-to-read and easy-to-understand book that makes sense of my emotional eating. Everyone who struugles could benefit from this."

- Jason K.

"My brother gave me this book, and I am very grateful! I tried so hard to change my bad eating habits and never succeeded. This book explains why. I learned so much through stories of others who succeeded. Now I feel hopeful."

- Julie T.

"It was an epiphany to discover that my eating habits were an important communication rather than just self-destructive habits that undermined my self-esteem."

- Sara G.

Meet the Authors

Our Experience as Licensed Mental Health Therapists Inspired This Book
Victoria Todd, Child and Adult Psychoanalyst
About Victoria Todd

Victoria Todd (MSSA, Case Western Reserve University; FAPB, Fellow of the American Psychoanalytic Board) is a devoted psychoanalyst who helps people suffering tremendously from eating difficulties break free from their bondage and experience the life they were intended to live.
Michele Holzberger, Co-author
About Michele Holzberger

Michele Holzberger pursued her goal of helping others and received her MSSA at Case Western Reserve University after leaving a career in finance (BS, MSSA, LCSW). Her work with children in residential and therapeutic foster care taught her firsthand how one's past exerts control over future behaviors.

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Solve Your Out-of-Control Eating is now available. Purchase your copy now!

Take Control of Your Out-of-Control Eating